Anyway, on with the Gallery Tour.
Below, you will see an anatomically correct (crocheted) sculpture of the legendary Dragon Warrior 1 Slime. In case you don't know about Dragon Warrior, it's a series of RPGs (role playing/adventure games) for the Nintendo consoles. In Dragon Warrior 1, the Blue Slime is the first monster that the main character (you, since it's an RPG) fights. They're harmless, not-so-powerful creatures, but awfully cute, don't you think? My brothers, who have beaten the Dragon Warrior games, were enthralled by this. I told them that they couldn't have it. He's mine.

And this little number below, the hat with the 3-column-raglan shaping, is one of my favorite hats in the whole world. It's roomy, comfortable, warm, and one of my favorite colors--purple.
Actually, it was also the first hat I ever made...ever...I'm pretty sure, at any rate. I didn't really know exactly what I was doing--I didn't follow a pattern since, quite frankly, I was afraid to. I figured out how many stitches would fit my (larger than average female) head on size 10 dpns. I commenced to knit. No, there isn't any ribbing; I wanted a slightly roll brim. So I knit until I liked the length. Then, the decreases. I wasn't sure about those. So, for the first round (so it seems), I did a k2tog 3 times on each needle--beginning, middle, and end. From then on, I'm pretty sure I just did 2 decreases per needles--beginning and end--until I had probably about 4-8 stitches left. Then I finished off. It's made in worsted weight and knits up very quickly, in case you'd like to have one.

And this, below, is the first full sweater I knit. I designed it myself. I used measurements. I used acrylic yarn which, in my humble opinion, should be used for hats, gloves, bags, toys, whatever, but not full garments. It's not "flow-ey" enough, I guess. Well, this is the sweater. It was knitted from the top down. It's lumpy. It looks 'homey' in a bad sort of way. Some have asked why I don't wear it. I don't because I don't like it, really.

This is my second sweater. The Spring Green sweater on my rav project page. This one, I love. It's soft, it's comfy. I used the formula pattern found in one of the knitty issues--I think it was called Knitting With Numbers or Knitting By Numbers or something like that. It's not hard to find and it makes a great first sweater. This one I made with 3/4 sleeves because I didn't want 'puffy' sleeves around my wrists. Since you double the sleeve stitches after you're done working the ribbing for the sleeve, it's a little puffy.
Admittedly, it's probably not going to last that long because I used size 8 needles with an Aran weight yarn. I thought it was worsted. As a matter of fact, I thought it was a little thin for worsted. But, oh well. It doesn't matter; I can make a new one when this one wears out. But I love this one. You can tell by how much I rambled about it.

And that's all for now. I might actually post again later today to show my progress on my Clapotis (over half way done! Looking beautiful) and the crocheted vest/hoodie that I made a couple of years ago. I'm actually quite proud of it because it turned out so well and, once again, I didn't follow a pattern! I just measured here and there. Granted, there's hardly any shaping, but it's somehow a little fitted anyway--in a good way. I wish I could remember exactly what I did, though... meh.
Oh well. Anyway, that's all for now.
wow i see you've been quite busy since last i checked your blog. i guess since you don't have me constantly pestering you to test patterns for me you've had a bit more time on your hands xD
and am i mistaken or have you started learning to spin? i thought i saw something to indicate that on your new ravrav
my husband is a fan of the Dragon Warrior series and he just loved your slime (we're both RPG nuts.)
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