Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello, hello!

Wow, it's been forever since I've posted! It's not like I have a crowd of devoted followers, so I don't feel too guilty... but it's there; the guilt is there...

Anyway, it isn't as though I haven't been knitting, because I have! Not only that, I've gotten my first knitting requests! Okay, so I got them a while back, but things have been hectic... here's the rundown:

knucks (1 pair for my dad, one for my mom)
3 Jaque Custou hats (Dad wanted 3 in each of the modeled colors, gray, brown, and green)
1 Give It A Swirl hat (for a family friend (I tested this pattern and this friend saw the result and loved it))

And I think that's it!

But that's not to say I haven't knit things for people. I have, and they've always liked what I made.

Anyway, am designing (sort of) a cable scarf... incredably simple, but I love it. I'm also thinking of designing and posting more patterns... I actually haven't been knitting enough, methinks. I can't seem to get past my love for making scarves... it was hats, but that's waining... now it's scarves... and cowls... I should get into socks because those are brilliantly portable and supposed to be fun, but I just can't get into making them since my first one failed! I couldn't bind off loose enough, so it wouldn't fit... Finances are an issue, so I can't do sweaters right now... or anything like that....

What I really want is a hood/scarf! I will make one, one day!

Oh, that's good enough for now!

Happy New Year (belatedly),and Happy Knitting!

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