I've decided that whining about pics isn't going to do my any good in the long run, so I'm not going to. Instead, I'm going to snag some one's camera in an appropriately sneaky style, take pics, post pics, and stealthily replace the camera where it was.
Okay, so all the fun sneaking around probably won't take place and I'll most likely just ask politely and the rest will quietly follow.
But that's later.
What's right now is updates on my knitting.
First is first. I haven't been living up to my name--i.e., 'Daily Knitter'. I have, in fact, been blatantly neglecting my knitting. The only time I really have knit is when we watched a movie or two in the past couple of weeks and I worked on my uber-easy wool scarf, which is turning out all nice and nubby and perfect for winter. In any case, the Clapotis is neglected and so is the pair of socks I started and various other things.
But I will return!
Secondly, I got an awesome book entitled "Amigumuri! Super Happy Crochet Cute" by Elisabeth A. Doherty. Yes, it is crochet, but I do that also. Besides that, the projects in the book are adorable! Also, I just happen to like making dolls. Don't' ask me why; I feel like I should have outgrown that sort of thing a long time ago...but it's so fun!
Thirdly, I may be starting an Etsy shop. Why? Because there is no market for hand spun yarns, handmade items, etc. in my tiny little town and I would really like to make and sell items in that area. I'll keep the blog updated.
Fourthly, I am starting a new blog. It's not like I'm abandoning this blog, it's merely that this blog is my knitting blog. I need one where I can write about my reading! So, there's that.
For update number Five, my brother and I are working at a farm/nursery locally here. A lot of people wouldn't call it a real job; it's mostly menial stuff like weeding, but my 'old' job was an office job and I hated it because I couldn't go outside. With this job, I'm outside for four hours. Even if it is hard work, I don't care; at least I'm outside!
And that's about it, I think. Hopefully, I'll be able to update more frequently now. But I'm not getting my hopes up.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
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